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Slowest growing houseplants (in my collection) 3 года назад

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Slowest growing houseplants (in my collection)

In this episode I share some of the slowest growing houseplants in my collection. These plants really do take their own sweet time, putting out a new leaf every 3-6 months. I also share a bit about my history with these guys, and some care tips. Slow growing houseplants species list: Dischidia Dragon Jade Hoya Carnosa Compacta Variegata Tillandsia / airplants Sansevierias / Dracaenas Zamia zamiifolia Cacti & succulents Syngonium moonshine Syngonium T25 Blue oil fern / Microsorum thailandicum Stephania erecta My instagram: Jazz background music made by Rhythm Alley   / rhythmalley.taiwan   Background music are created by me exclusively for this channel.
