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Скачать с ютуб FULL REBUILD on a Duramax that MELTED a Piston! в хорошем качестве

FULL REBUILD on a Duramax that MELTED a Piston! 2 месяца назад

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FULL REBUILD on a Duramax that MELTED a Piston!

On today's episode of crazy finds at Dave's Auto, we have an LBZ Duramax that completely melted a piston! Come along with us as we tear this thing down, and do a freakin' sweet rebuild for this customer. Shop DAVE'S T-Shirts: Buy your Used Car Inspection Guide! (40 Minute Video and 24 Page Manual) Follow us on all social platforms:   / davesautocenter     / davesautocenter     / davesautocenter   For Business Inquiries Contact: [email protected]
