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Скачать с ютуб REVIEW - BNSF GE Dash 9-44CW Locomotive HO Scale OPERATOR SERIES Diesel Engine by ScaleTrains в хорошем качестве

REVIEW - BNSF GE Dash 9-44CW Locomotive HO Scale OPERATOR SERIES Diesel Engine by ScaleTrains 2 года назад

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REVIEW - BNSF GE Dash 9-44CW Locomotive HO Scale OPERATOR SERIES Diesel Engine by ScaleTrains

3 Easy Ways to Support Runaway Trains Channel: 1. Subscribe 2. Leave A Comment 3. Make A Donation HERE: Train themed Merch, CD's, + Downloads available at: Welcome to Runaway Trains! In this video Drayke gives his very first review... a BNSF GE Dash 9-44CW OPERATOR SERIES Engine from Inspired by our favorite youtubers, Drayke and I (Joe) would like to give a shout out to some of our favorite channels: SMT Mainline jlwii2000 Eric's Trains Delay in Block Productions CoasterFan2105 MUSIC in this video: "Great Freight Train" by The Conductors DOWNLOAD SONG HERE: THE CONDUCTORS on Spotify: BNSF GE Dash 9-44CW OPERATOR SERIES Engine from HERE: The Operator series HO Scale GE DASH-9 is the perfect locomotive for value conscious modeler railroaders. Each roadname shares a common cab and long hood configuration to help maintain a starting price of just $99. To maximize pulling power, Operator locomotives utilize the same motor and drivetrain as their top-of-the-line Rivet Counter series counterpart. All Operator HO locomotives are available DC/DCC with 21-pin connector or with DCC & sound pre-installed at the factory. Remember to SUBSCRIBE to our channel! (Runaway Trains)
