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Скачать с ютуб Pioneering Captain Gets Paid Millions To Move Dirt | Blue Collar Millionaires | CNBC Prime в хорошем качестве

Pioneering Captain Gets Paid Millions To Move Dirt | Blue Collar Millionaires | CNBC Prime 7 лет назад

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Pioneering Captain Gets Paid Millions To Move Dirt | Blue Collar Millionaires | CNBC Prime

Brian Lofgren, a.k.a.“The Captain of Crud,” runs a sediment removal company that sucks up underwater dirt and relocates it so boats don’t get stuck in shallow waters. And his small, four-man crew brings in about $2.5 million dollars a year doing it. Blue Collar Millionaires Season Premiere January 4 | Wednesday 10P ET/PT » Subscribe to CNBC Prime: About CNBC Prime: By night, CNBC Prime is an entertainment network with a programming slate that is an extension of CNBC’s distinct brand. The entertainment focused block in primetime includes programs such as Shark Tank, The Profit, Jay Leno’s Garage, West Texas Investors Club, Restaurant Startup, American Greed and Secret Lives of the Super Rich. Primetime programming airs Monday through Sunday, 7:00 PM – 2:00 AM. Connect with CNBC Prime Online! Visit CNBC Prime’s Website: Find CNBC Prime on Facebook: Follow CNBC Prime on Twitter: Follow CNBC Prime on Google+: Follow CNBC Prime on Instagram: Pioneering Captain Gets Paid Millions To Move Dirt | Blue Collar Millionaires | CNBC Prime
