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Top 5 Fastest Twin Turboprop Planes ✈️

This is AVIATION WAY, Your Daily AVIATION DOSE! Enjoy! ✈️🚁 Look at Top 5 Fastest Twin Turboprop Planes: 5 - Beechcraft Super King Air 350i 4 - Beechcraft Starship 2000A 3 - Bombardier DHC-8 Q400 2 - Piper Cheyenne III 400 LS 1 - Piaggio P.180 Avanti Evo If You enjoyed please support the channel by subscribing and hitting the notification bell to get notified on new uploads. 🔔🔔🔔 I do not claim these clips as my own. All credit goes to the rightful owners. If your clip was featured and you want it taken down, send me an e-mail explaining the situation and we'll resolve it. #AviationWay #Top5 #AvantiEvo
