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Скачать с ютуб Denon AVR-591 home theatre HDMI amplifier in-depth Review в хорошем качестве

Denon AVR-591 home theatre HDMI amplifier in-depth Review 1 год назад

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Denon AVR-591 home theatre HDMI amplifier in-depth Review

A detailed review of the AVR-591 1080p 5 x 120 watt 5.1 home theatre amplifier from 2010 (what a mouthful). From room equalisation setup using the Audyssey microphone (any mic will do), to assignable inputs, digital delay, audio compression, tone controls and rear and front panel connections. Does this home theatre amp stack up in 2023 in a world of 4k? Please consider subscribing - I'm curious what will happen when I hit 1000 subs. C'mon, help a struggling Aussie out!
