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Скачать с ютуб RED BOX SMOKER REVIEW and DEMO with World Champion Pit Master Mark Lambert в хорошем качестве

RED BOX SMOKER REVIEW and DEMO with World Champion Pit Master Mark Lambert 4 года назад

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RED BOX SMOKER REVIEW and DEMO with World Champion Pit Master Mark Lambert

This video is about RED BOX SMOKER. This video will show you what you can do at home with the Red Box Smoker. I got with Mark Lambert of Sweet Swine O'Mine and told him I wanted to review his Red Box and if he had any ideas. He said, "Yea, y'all come on down and we can cook a meal on it and I'd be happy to answer any questions." We took him up on his offer. Look folks, there are tons of unboxing videos out there, but they don't always show you what the product is capable of. I was lucky enough to book some time with the man who makes the Red Box Smoker. Who better than Mark to show you what you are buying and the value that this cooker can bring to you and your family. Here are the links to all the products you will see in the video. #flyingsmoke #ssomd #sweetswineo'mine
