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Hi, My name is Tony Slate. And I teach American Sign Language at Fort Bend Christian academy. One thing I want to share with you is how SignAll has changed my teaching experience. Most of you probably use Signing naturally or True Way ASL or Master ASL as your main curriculums in your classroom. I tend to put hodgepodge together. Maybe follow a lot of Signing Naturally mixed in with Master ASL or some other lessons that either I come up with or I tweaked over the years. So, having SignAll lab was a great supplementation for my students. A lot of times, I would go through a lesson, and the students would practice with each other. And I do that quite regularly, they come out in front of a class and they would present the dialog or the signs that they were recently taught. One thing that I found over the years, the students could get very nervous. Especially at level 1. You probably experienced that. But at level 1 students are learning the basics. So, since the implementation of Signall Lab, I have seen students gain confidence and gain a better understanding of how a signs is made. So when I am talking to them so your sign should be exact. If we talk about certain parameters of ASL, so if you change a handshape, it’s gonna change its meaning. So with SignAll it helps them to make sure that the sign is right, or it’s not gonna recognize it! And there are pros and cons to that. Like a native signer would use it, it probably would not gonna pick up some of what they are signing. But when you teach the basics, that really helps them to keep their hands in the signing space and to keep their attention on the screen and what they are doing. Student: Last year I was in my first year of ASL 1 and I was struggling a bit with fingerspelling and memorizing signs properly but SignAll was there to help. SignAll is great! WHEN you fingerspelling or signing it demands accuracy. It only registers signs that follow the parameters of ASL. You have to be specific and very accurate, and it is good. Because when you have to sign with deaf people they are going to be able to understand you and you are gonna to be able to have conversations more clearly. As a teacher, and from students' perspective I think it builds confidence in signing when it gives a star when they succeed like “yeah! I did it!” And then when they get at the front of the class, they know feel good, because they know what they are doing. And it gives some more exposure to signing. They sign to one more person – “a person” – to a model on the lab. As a teacher, like I said, it’s another supplementation. So, the students can use it. When we are done with the lesson, and we have 5-10 min left of the class. And you can have 1 or 2 students going and having a mini-lesson in the lab. The fingerspelling practice is really good about helping them keep their hand in a comfortable level. Because it shows a sign on a screen. Also, as a teacher. It’s good to have that supplement where they can go and have the practice. Theis is a real deal. They are learning a real language. Teaher: How do you find using SignAll system to be beneficial for you or other students in a classroom? It helps remember signs more easily. It makes signs just stick in your memory because of how you learn it. And it is very different from any other way that I learned before. The spaceman game is a lot of fun! Everything is good. Except the only sign that I had troubles with is “J”. Other than that it works very well and helped me remember and use my vocabs and my fingerspelling skills. Teacher: Did you see any increase in your grades? Student: Believe it or not, but they actually did! Since I begin to use SignAll I began to be more confident with my signs.. I began to have more accuracy and more speed, understanding of what I learned in a class. Then I would come on SignAll and I would be able to reinforce those skills and become even stronger of what we learned in the class. And so I saw an increase in my grades because I was able to practice. Also, SignAll made practicing more interesting than just going home and reading through your list of signs. I definitely feel like SignAll increased my confidence. Since SignAll demands that you are very accurate and very specific about your hand placement and handshape. With SignAll, when I was put in a place to sign, I felt I was a little bit more ready to actually show what I had learned.