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When to Challenge the Ball in Rocket League (Rocket League Defense)

This Rocket League tutorial gives advice about defensive tactics and strategies when playing. These advanced tips and tricks, along with the right mindset can help you defend players who are good at dribbles, flicks, fakes, mind games, and more. I talk about ways not to overcommit to the ball when challenging, and how to have good positioning to save shots by shadowing the attacker. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Enjoy! - Musty Subscribe:    / amustycow   🔥BUY MERCH🔥 SunlessKhan’s video on shadowing:    • The Best Defense in Rocket League | W...   My Reddit:   / amustycow.  . My Twitter:   / amustycow   My Car Colors and Settings:    • My Rocket League Car Colors and Settings   My Rocket League Ranks: If you are reading this, comment your pet's name to confuse people who read the comments, but not the bottom of the description. #amustycow #Musty #RocketLeague
