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Hella Maker - Dope Vibe

More music:    / czechvibessound   Picture from Baltic sea, Germany ► Hella Maker Soundcloud:   / hellamaker   Twitter:   / hellamaker   Youtube:    / hellamaker   ►Follow our journey: Become a Patreon:   / czechvibessound   Spotify: Buy our prints: Instagram:   / czech_vibes   Soundcloud:   / czechvibessound   Twitter:   / czechvibessound   Facebook:   / czechvibes   Youtube:    / czechvibessound   who are we? ► music channel, but a bit more personal. Everything you see here, the visual side of it, is made by us during our traveling. ► audio-visual blog ► two girls, one passion, always with cameras in our hands ► videography/photography ► first live youtube radio in the Czech Republic ► connecting music from all around the world with our visual content. All music used with permission. If you have questions about this music, please contact the artist directly. All other inquiries: [email protected].
