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Скачать с ютуб COOL FLOWERS! Hardy annuals to plant in FALL! Seed sorting! в хорошем качестве

COOL FLOWERS! Hardy annuals to plant in FALL! Seed sorting! 3 года назад

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COOL FLOWERS! Hardy annuals to plant in FALL! Seed sorting!

Did you know some flowers LIKE to be planted and left out in the COLD? Join me as we select seeds for cold hardy plants that will bloom NEXT SPRING! Plant NOW for EARLY HARVEST! Harvest with us! Today weHarvest with us! Today we are harvesting for just a few bouquets. Come along and see what's growing on our micro flower farm! * * * * * * * Who are Dick and Hope: We are nature and garden lovers. We enjoy relating to our verdant planet and each other through creating, cultivating, and exploring. We currently split our time between New Jersey Zone 7a and Texas Zone 8a. We garden and enjoy nature in both places as well as anywhere we can along the way. Watch as we transform our landscapes and pursue our dreams of flower farming, vegetable growing and self sustainability. We are learning as we go and are eager to share our journey with you. We would love to hear from you! Please drop us a comment and let us know where you are gardening and what you love most about being outside in the dirt! Share your garden with us on Instagram by tagging @dickandhope
