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מסכת חלבון ביצה למתיחה והבהרה של עור הפנים 6 лет назад

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מסכת חלבון ביצה למתיחה והבהרה של עור הפנים

OrOrgani was found by me. Over the years I became more aware of what is inside my skincare products and realized that the skin, which is your body's largest organ, also consumes whatever is put on it. Realizing that most skincare products contain things that are not really healthy for your body, I decided that I needed to make my own skincare line for my skin. One that is healthy not only for my skin, but for my body as well. After years and years of learning and experimenting, I started creating new formulations that were healthy for my body and made my skin glow. I want to share my experience with you through my new line of skin care products. Using only the best all-natural, organic oils found, I created a line of products that your skin will ❤️. To visit my website: Facebook page:   / ororganillc   Instagram:
