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Michael Ray - "Her World Or Mine" Live Performance | Vevo

Michael Ray – “Her World Or Mine” (Studio Performance) Behind the handsome face, tattoo sleeves, a marriage to fellow country star Carly Pearce and his own flourishing career, Michael Ray wants you to know its ok to be vulnerable. Divorce shattered Ray’s childhood when he was eight, leading him to lean heavily on his grandparents. Ray’s grandfather taught his grandson how to play music and would bring the future country star to perform at local assisted living homes. Ray won’t let himself forget his grandparents’ love and sacrifice. He named his 2018 album, Amos, after his grandpa; For tour, he outfitted his drummer’s bass drum head to resemble a bronze penny - a reference to his grandmother’s nickname, Penny. Nowadays, Ray is outspoken about his anxiety - and his personal battles confronting it head on. We invited the Nashville resident to the studio, where he performed “Forget About It” and “Her World Or Mine.” In both songs, Ray invites listeners to connect with those moments of self-doubt, and, as he says in the Behind the Song for “Her World Or Mine,” “allow yourself to feel it and then move forward.” Watch music videos by Michael Ray: Watch the official video of "Her World Or Mine":    • Michael Ray - "Her World Or Mine" (Co...   Executive Producer: Micah Bickham Director: Bram VanderMark Producer: Kyle Goldberg Producer: Maura Scully Producer: Saharah Sejour Director of Photography: Chris Adams Editor: Ramy Elsokary Music & Talent: Parul Chokshi, Gabby Prisciandaro Michael Ray Vevo   / vevo     / vevo     / vevo   #MichaelRay #MichaelRayLive #HerWorldOrMine
