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MTG Core Set 2019 Booster Box Opening

*Support the channel for free by using my TCGplayer affiliate link on all your MTG purchases. Why has this become a common occurrence? I thought this was part of the reason why cards are now printed in China. *Patrons make this channel possible, become a Patron for only $1!   / joeymoss   *Ebates Get cash back for shopping on Ebates! Sign up with my invite link for a $10 bonus when you shop at over 2,000 stores like eBay, Macy's & Walmart. *Merch *Twitch   / badboymtg   *Facebook   / badboymtg   *Instagram   / badboymtg   *My Son AJ's Pokemon Channel - Bad Kid Gaming    / Канал   Fan Mail Joey Moss PO Box 30036 Cleveland, Oh 44130-0036
