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WEEKLY VLOG JAPAN | Getting back on track, Got hit by a car, Voted

Right now, AG1 is offering a surprise, bonus limited edition gift in addition to the Welcome Kit when you first subscribe — it won't last long so head to to check it out, while supplies last! WEEK IN MY LIFE IN JAPAN getting back on track with chores and my healthy diet after being away. Got hit by a car on my bike so i was recovering. Update on the fall balcony veggie garden and this years election/ voting situation. 😍LET'S BE FAM!😱 📱INSTAGRAM:   / sundailove   👕MY CLOTHING SHOP: 🏠MY RENTAL PROPERTY IN KYOTO JAPAN: _______________________________ My Affordable Weight Loss ebook Here* _______________________________ 📩BUSINESS INQUIRIES: [email protected] Music by Damien Sebe - mini vlog -
