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Скачать с ютуб Wildlife Photographer of the Year 57: People's Choice Award | Natural History Museum в хорошем качестве

Wildlife Photographer of the Year 57: People's Choice Award | Natural History Museum 2 года назад

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Wildlife Photographer of the Year 57: People's Choice Award | Natural History Museum

Take a turn in the judge's seat and vote for your favourite image in Wildlife Photographer of the Year People's Choice Award. Browse the 25 photographs featured below and vote for the one that you think should win this year's People's Choice Award. Voting closes 14.00 GMT on 2 February 2022. Cast your vote: ---------------- The Natural History Museum in London is home to over 80 million objects, including meteorites, dinosaur bones and a giant squid. Our channel brings the Museum to you - from what goes on behind the scenes to surprising science and stories from our scientists. Subscribe to our channel for the latest films and live broadcasts about the natural world    / naturalhistorymuseum   Website: Twitter:   / nhm_london   Facebook: Instagram:   / natural_history_museum  
