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Скачать с ютуб AUDIBLE vs SCRIBD (a comparison of the 2 audiobook services) в хорошем качестве

AUDIBLE vs SCRIBD (a comparison of the 2 audiobook services) 4 года назад

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AUDIBLE vs SCRIBD (a comparison of the 2 audiobook services)

*Hello Friends* The two big audiobook services: Audible and Scribd, or really Audible vs Scribd since they're so often pitted against each other. I've tried both audible and scribd and this video summarizes the pros and cons of each service and my ultimate decision on which service to continue with. ⭐️AUDIBLE I use Audible for their vast library of audiobooks, particularly audiobooks that I can't get from my public library Try Audible for free: ⭐️GRAPHIC AUDIO REFERRAL LINK⭐️ If you're ready to try a graphic audiobook, you can use my referral link for 50% off your first purchase: I cannot recommend the graphic audiobook rendition of The Stormlight Archive enough. ⭐️MY KINDLE Kindle Oasis: Kindle Oasis Case: Another slightly cheaper, but still great case: ⭐️MY BOOK OF THE MONTH REFERRAL LINK ⭐️FOLLOW ME instagram:   / withbintou   goodreads:   / readwithbintou   email: [email protected] ⭐️New Videos Every WEDNESDAY Subscribe so you don't miss out: ⭐️Disclosure: some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.
