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Скачать с ютуб Full interview: Oregon gubernatorial candidate Christine Drazan on her plan to tackle homelessness в хорошем качестве

Full interview: Oregon gubernatorial candidate Christine Drazan on her plan to tackle homelessness 2 года назад

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Full interview: Oregon gubernatorial candidate Christine Drazan on her plan to tackle homelessness

Christine Drazan, a Republican running for governor in Oregon this November, discusses her plan to tackle the state's homeless crisis. This is the first of a three-part series. KGW also interviewed the other two candidates in the race for governor, Democrat Tina Kotek and independent Betsy Johnson, on the same issue. Kotek interview:    • Full interview: Oregon gubernatorial ...   Johnson interview:    • Full interview: Oregon gubernatorial ...   Subscribe:    / kgwnews8   Watch the latest KGW newscast: Get the KGW app:
