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Corn, Once The Garden Darling. One of the most popular crops of past backyard gardens, corn has fallen out of favor recently. Large, cheap to buy at the grocery store, and a bit tricky during pollination time as you need several plants to ensure healthy ears. Despite all that, a HIGHLY rewarding crop to grow in this day, during these times. A poor transplanter, corn is usually direct seeded, even here in Canada. However, with a finite warm growing period, if you want corn early, you gotta seed corn early. As a warm-weather plant, it will NOT germinate in cold or even cool soils. Bit of a pickle eh? Well, let's get these guys seeded early like a typical seed in typical seeding trays.....and then see where we get to! 3-part series Part 1: You are here! Part 2: • Growing Corn - Part 2 Creating The St... Part 3: • Growing Corn - Part 3 Planting If you're just starting out gardening in 2020, this inexpensive set of tools from Amazon can get you and your Corn up and running this spring! I know there is a fevered and renewed interest in gardening and many of you are seasoned vets. But remember that there's a whole population out there that hasn't gardened before. Let's help them out and encourage as much as possible! Affiliate links below: Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/2xXLfbG Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3aoN1AN Amazon U.K.: https://amzn.to/2XrQA5A The 10x20 nursery trays are a gardener's NECESSITY. Use the Amazon Afilliate links below to find the right ones! Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/2JFB4uM Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/2wQCeBd Amazon U.K.: https://amzn.to/2xepyEi