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PRACTICE your SPANISH with this Vlog

¡Hola soy Lulú y te ayudo a aprender español! In this video I take you with me through my day in Guanajuto, together we will discover this beautiful city which is recognized as a world heritage site by Unesco, for its great architecture and important history. In the video I take you through a popular museum in Guanajuato, a traditional Mexican market, to a spectacular viewpoint to have an incredible view of the city and I tell you all about my day in this beautiful city. This video is perfect for those who want to practice Spanish in a natural way while learning a little bit about Mexico. I hope you find it useful. Have a class with me✨ My social media📱 Instagram:   / mexican__spanish   Tiktok:   / mexican__spanish   Contacto: [email protected] About me🇲🇽 Hi! I'm Lulu, a proud Mexican who loves learning languages. But what I enjoy even more is teaching my native language. That’s why I created this channel, to help people learn or improve their Spanish, especially if they’re interested in Mexican Spanish. While Spanish shares the same foundation across countries, I’ve noticed there are some key differences from one place to another. I’m passionate about my culture and my country, so I focus on teaching the Spanish we speak here in Mexico. #learnspanish
