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Скачать с ютуб Year 5 Season 4: Frozen Shores (Face off OST theme) - For Honor Music в хорошем качестве

Year 5 Season 4: Frozen Shores (Face off OST theme) - For Honor Music 3 года назад

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Year 5 Season 4: Frozen Shores (Face off OST theme) - For Honor Music

Boy, yesterday's livestream surely was something else. I don't remember who was it, but someone actually predicted the arrival of a pirate season earlier this year. Or maybe they were just asking for one, I don't know, but either way I guess his words were listened. And of course the package comes with excellent music to boot! What you're listening to now is the full version of the face off theme for the upcoming season 20 of For Honor, to be released on December 9th. Year 5 Season 4: Frozen Shores introduces a new chapter in For Honor's ongoing story. Over time the torrential rains lowered in intensity until they stopped; however, some of the effects of the past climate phenomena are still present, namely the risen sea levels, that with the decreasing temperatures has resulted in lots of ice and snow everywhere. With the winter season setting in, the warriors of Heathmoor decide to take a breath and mend their wounds, come together and spend the time during the upcoming Frostwind festivities. But things will take an unexpected turn when an unknown ship arrives to coast, loaded with lots of men looking for loot and plunder, but those men weren't Vikings... Check out more music composed by Luc St Pierre, the man behind For Honor's OST in recent seasons:   / lucjvstpierre   You can download the soundtrack from this shared folder: Do you have no idea of what this game is? For Honor is a real-time combat game with action in three directions: either left, right or up. Fight as one of many warriors across 4 different factions, including good old knights, flashy samurais, bloodthirsty vikings, and even Chinese folks! You can try the game for free during free weekend events or buy it for cheap whenever it goes on sale on Steam:
