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Tetris Strategies for Easily Clearing 40 Lines in 1 Minute 2 года назад

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Tetris Strategies for Easily Clearing 40 Lines in 1 Minute

Like, Comment, Subscribe for more videos! Gameplay Text To Speech Software VMix Desktop Capture Welcome! Today, you'll see a clip of clearing 40 lines of tetris in 1 minute! I got 3 tips for you; maximize finesse, rhythm, and rewatch games. Number 1: Maximize finesse: you need to use the fewest number of key presses to drop each piece. Aim for 2 to 3 key presses to place each piece. Be comfortable rotating pieces either way, and after sliding to the edge, as necessary. Try to keep finesse above 80%. Number 2: Follow a rhythm: I use music with a fast paced beat or try to listen to a lecture at the same time. The key is to not think too much to optimize the placement. Just drop the piece if you can not immediately find a place. Other popular techhniques to go even faster include using the 6:3 split or 2 wide. Google it. Number 3: Rewatch the game and reflect on which pieces could have been placed better or with fewer key presses. Reflection and deliberate practice with feedback is important to improve! Have fun and let me know how it goes! Thanks for watching and remember to maximize finesse, rhythm and rewatch games!
