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Скачать с ютуб How a Michelin-Starred Seoul Restaurant Is Modernizing Korean Palace Dining — K-Town в хорошем качестве

How a Michelin-Starred Seoul Restaurant Is Modernizing Korean Palace Dining — K-Town 5 лет назад

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How a Michelin-Starred Seoul Restaurant Is Modernizing Korean Palace Dining — K-Town

On this episode of K-Town, host Matthew Kang visits chef Cho Hee Sook's restaurant Hansik Gonggan, to see how she is updating the most rarefied and exclusive of Korean cuisines. Eater is the one-stop-shop for food and restaurant obsessives across the country. With features, explainers, animations, recipes, and more — it’s the most indulgent food content around. So get hungry. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel now! Our Video Crew: And our podcasts:
