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年的传说 | 农历新年 | The story of Monster Nian | 中文加油站GG | @Chineseclass365 |

❤️ 年的传说 | 农历新年 | The story of Monster Nian ⭐️简介:The story of Monster Nian | 中文加油站GG | @Chineseclass365 | #学中文 ⭐️内容:《年的故事》 在古老的中国, In ancient China, 深山里住了一头怪兽。 there lived a monster deep in the mountains. 这头怪兽平时都躲在山里睡觉, This monster usually hides and sleeps in the mountains, and 没有人看过它。 no one has seen it. 每年的除夕夜晚上, Every year on New Year's Eve, 它就会到山下的村子里找东西吃, it will go to the village at the foot of the mountain to find something to eat. 只要是可以吃的, As long as it is edible, 无论是鸡还是鸭,通通都会被抓走。 whether it is a chicken or a duck, it will be taken away. 而且它还会把所有房子里的东西, And it also messes up everything in the house 弄得乱七八糟的! (mess up) 因为它都是在过年的时候才会出现, Because it only appears during the Chinese New Year, 所以村民都叫它“年兽”。 the villagers call it the "Nian Beast". 除夕夜的前一天, The day before New Year's Eve, the 村民们照例身上背着大包小包的东西准备逃走, villagers prepared to flee with their bags on their backs as usual “快逃,赶快逃命哦! 赶快躲到别的地方 等明天年兽走了以后再回来。” . 村民们正赶着离开的时候, When leaving 来了一个老乞丐, , an old beggar came, “那个老乞丐是谁啊? "Who is that old beggar? 怎么从来都没有见过?” Why have I never seen it before?" “对啊,怎么会现在来呢?” "Yeah, why are you here now?" “不知道耶,我们赶快走吧!” "I don't know, let's go!" The 村民们一边说, villagers As he spoke, 一边匆匆忙忙地离开了村子。 he left the village in a hurry. 老乞丐走到老婆婆的家门口, The old beggar went to the door of the old woman's house, 老婆婆从屋内走出来, and the old woman came out of the house 拿东西给老乞丐吃。 and gave the old beggar something to eat. “您今天来得真不是时候, "You came at a terrible time today. 晚上,年兽就会到我们村子里来大肆破坏啊! At night, the Nian Beast will come to our village and wreak havoc! 我认为你应该跟我们一起, I think you should come with us and 到别的地方去避难吧! take refuge in another place! 否则会被年兽吃掉。” Otherwise, you will be eaten by the Nian Beast. “哈哈哈,我不怕, " Haha, I am not afraid, 如果您愿意让我在您家借住一个晚上, if you are willing to let me stay at your house for one night, 我一定会把年兽赶走的!” I will definitely drive the Nian beast away!" “年兽很可怕的, "The Nian beast is terrible, 我看您还是不要冒险吧!” I think you should not take risks!" "Don't “放心吧! worry! 我自有办法对付它!” I have my own way of dealing with it!" “好吧,那我先走了! "Okay, then I'll go first! 请您要小心哦!” Please be careful!" 老婆婆摇摇头的离开了。 The old woman shook her head and left. 天色渐渐暗了, It was getting dark, and the 老乞丐忙着在老婆婆的大门上贴上红纸, old beggar was busy pasting red paper on the old woman's gate, “时间不早了,年兽应该快要来了, "It's getting late, the Nian beast should be coming soon, 我要赶快准备准备!” I have to prepare quickly!" The 老乞丐在门前贴了红纸, old beggar pasted red paper on the door, 还放了很多竹子和柴火。 and Put a lot of bamboo and firewood. 晚上,在山里睡觉的年兽醒了过来, At night, Nian Beast, who was sleeping in the mountains, woke up and 伸了一个大懒腰。 stretched a lot. 哈哈,又可以大闹一场了! Haha, it's time to make a fuss again! 嘿嘿,我来啦! Hey, here I come! 这时, At this time, 年兽在村子外远远的就看到老婆婆家灯火通明。 Nian Beast saw the old woman's house brightly lit from a distance outside the village. “咦,那是什么? "Hey, what's that? 居然有人这么大胆,没有逃走! Someone is so bold that he didn't run away! 哈哈,我就从这一家开始闹吧!” Haha, I'll start the trouble from this house!" 年兽就很得意的往这家走去, Nian Beast walked towards this house proudly, 正当年兽走到老婆婆的家门口, just as Nian Beast walked to the door of the old woman's house, 突然! 看到门上的红纸, suddenly! Seeing the red paper on the door, it 发出强烈的光芒,射入年兽的眼睛。 emitted an intense light and shot into Nian Beast's eyes. “啊,我的眼睛!” "Ah, my eyes!" 年兽痛得在地上打滚, Nian Beast rolled on the ground in pain, the 老乞丐把门打开了, old beggar opened the door, “可恶的年兽,我已经等你很久了!” "Damn Nian Beast, I have been waiting for you for a long time!" 啊,这是什么声音,好可怕的声音啊! Ah, what kind of sound is this, what a terrible sound! 我受不了啦! I can't stand it! 年兽吓得拼命捂住耳朵, Nian Beast was so frightened that it desperately covered its ears, the 老乞丐又点燃了另一堆竹子, old beggar lit another pile of bamboo and 发出更嘈杂的鞭炮声 made louder firecrackers, “救命啊,我受不了啦!” "Help, I can't take it anymore!" 这时,年兽捂住耳朵拔腿就跑, At this moment, Nian Beast covered his ears and ran 离开了村子, away from the village, “不要跑,我还要很多竹子呢!” "Don't run, I still need a lot of bamboos!" The 第二天, next day, the 村民们回到了村子, villagers returned to the village. 村子里干干净净的, The village was clean, and 大家好奇地东张西望。 everyone looked around curiously. “奇怪,难道年兽没有来吗?” "Strange, didn't the Nian Beast come?" “是啊,是不是没来啊? "Yes, didn't it come? 所有的东西也都好好的, Everything is fine, the 鸡鸭都还在呢!” chickens and ducks are still there!" 老婆婆走到家门口, The old woman walked to the door, 看到门上的红纸, saw the red paper on the door, 和没烧完的竹子。 and unburned bamboo. 突然,恍然大悟, Suddenly, he realized, 兴奋地说: “难怪老乞丐昨天说他有办法, and said excitedly: "No wonder the old beggar said yesterday that he has a way, so 原来他是神仙啊!” he is a god!" 从此,每到过年, From then on, every New Year, 大家都会在门上贴红色的春联, everyone will paste red Spring Festival couplets on the door 并且放鞭炮来吓走年兽。 and set off firecrackers to scare away the Nian beast. 慢慢地,也就变成一项新年的习俗了。 Slowly, it became a New Year's custom.
