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What 26 Handicap Golf Actually Looks Like | Forrest Little Golf Club 2 месяца назад

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What 26 Handicap Golf Actually Looks Like | Forrest Little Golf Club

This is the third episode in our subscriber series, where our resident high handicapper accepts an invitation from a subscriber to their home course, to see who can help him shoot the best score and help lower his handicap the most. This week, he has been invited to Forrest Little Golf Club, the Augusta of North Dublin by Club Member Darren, to see what he can shoot. Darren most certainly has the toughest test so far in the series, as weather conditions are against them and our resident high handicapper is now operating off his lowest ever handicap index of 22.6 resulting in a course handicap of 26. Featuring every shot of an 18 hole round showcasing the very best of what high handicap golf actually looks like. #golf #golfhandicap #golfchannel #golfswing #golfrules #handicapgolf #golfing #highhandicapgolfer #highhandicapper Intro (0:00) Front Nine (4:07) Back Nine (17:46) Outro (30:45)
