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I Useta Lover Bass Cover 1 год назад

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I Useta Lover Bass Cover

"I Useta Lover" (/ˈjuːstə/, eye dialect of "I used to love her") is a 1990 song by Irish rock group The Saw Doctors.[1] It is the second single off the If This Is Rock and Roll, I Want My Old Job Back album. It stayed at the #1 position in the Irish chart for nine weeks and became one of the best-selling singles of all time in the country.[2] A similar clerically influenced[citation needed] message is seen in other Saw Doctors songs, notably "Bless Me Father" and "Tommy K". The chorus of the song was originally taken from a song of the same name which was performed by Davy Carton's first band, Blaze X. The original song had been written by Paul Cunniffe. The Blaze X version of the song appears as a B-side on some versions of the single. If you like the video, please press the thumbs-up icon and feel free to subscribe to the channel to be notified of future content. If you really, really like the video, please consider supporting my work on Patreon for 1 dollar or 5 dollars per month and become eligible for exclusive Patreon Only benefits.   / revjohnnyeratomusicandentertainment   Thank you. I hope you like it.
