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Скачать с ютуб Moonglow Compared to Da Vinci Artemis, Roman Szmal, Paul Rubens look-alike Daniel Smith Watercolor в хорошем качестве

Moonglow Compared to Da Vinci Artemis, Roman Szmal, Paul Rubens look-alike Daniel Smith Watercolor 4 года назад

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Moonglow Compared to Da Vinci Artemis, Roman Szmal, Paul Rubens look-alike Daniel Smith Watercolor

Daniel Smith Moonglow vs. Roman Szmal Przybysz's Grey, Da Vinci Artemis and Paul Rubens Shadow Purple and Moonlight watercolor. How close are these look-alike dupes? Color separation, granulation, pigment info and swatch cards. ↓ SHOW MORE for art supply links and other info! ↓ In my last video -    • MOONGLOW IS FUGITIVE! Mix Your Own Li...   - about Daniel Smith's Moonglow and Anthra Red PR177 lightfast issues, I showed how to DIY mix it wihout being fugitive. Daniel Smith Viridian, French Ultramarine and Quin Coral. If you like a lot of granulation, Schmincke's French Ultramarine has even more texture! PAINT: Roman Szmal - Paul Rubens - has an official store they run on the multi-seller etsy style website called Ali-Express. It's often slow and unreliable to import these. Worldwide Jackson's Daniel Smith - USA Blick for Da Vinci or Daniel Smith - or Da Vinci directly at - You can also find most Daniel Smith paints on Amazon - White gouache - PAPER I USE: Lower cost cotton paper option, great for swatching - Bee Cold Press: Better durable paper - Arches Cold Press on Jackson's worldwide: Arches on Blick who often has good prices for US: Winsor & Newton's cold press paper is durable, takes layers and lifting well. It has a rougher texture, worse for drawing detail, but works magic with granulating paints: You can also find W&N on Blick for a good price for USA - PALETTE - Plain rectangle ceramic dish PENS waterproof Tombow Mono - BRUSHES - Neptune to hold a lot of water Heritage to hold a good point Cheaper brushes I like for watercolor painting, that have a nice point and a decent balance between water capacity and spring (firmness to snap back into shape) include: Dynamic Distraction - Dugato - I use affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you :) End of video swatch card preview is Daniel Smith's Cascade Green which you can find on Amazon here: or Jackson's here: My rubber stamps, ink, art and craft supplies, lightfast testing, pigment database, swatch cards, color wheel palettes, digital download printable art and more:   / kimberlycrickart     / kimberlycrickart   Recorded with my IPhone. Editing = VSDC.Music - Birds - Corbyn Kites - from the YouTube free music library. #DanielSmith #Moonglow #RomanSzmal
