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Скачать с ютуб Miter Saw Dust Collection Hood / Shroud Cover, with Magnets! в хорошем качестве

Miter Saw Dust Collection Hood / Shroud Cover, with Magnets! 3 года назад

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Miter Saw Dust Collection Hood / Shroud Cover, with Magnets!

Creating effective dust collection for miter saws can be difficult, and this 12” Delta Cruzer is no exception to that! After trying a 2.5” hose connected to the saw, and a 4” port in the back of the hood, I decided to try this method: I got rid of the 2.5” hose and replaced it with a 45-degree PVC elbow, then moved the 4” port to the bottom of the miter station. From there I just needed to add a new cover for the dust hood / shroud. Since I used a lightweight, 1/4” thick plywood for the cover I needed very thin (yet powerful) magnets. Problem was I had to wait for them to arrive, so in the meantime I used Velcro tape. It worked well enough, but I could only use it certain spots or I would snap the 1/4” plywood cover when removing it. This caused gaps in the seal and over time the Velcro become a sawdust magnet and lost its effectiveness. Thankfully the magnets arrived not to long after and I was able to implement this solution. Directing the sawdust into the back of the hood has been the best method I’ve found for capturing the most sawdust so far, and I’ve tried a lot of methods! Yes, it has to be removed for most angled cuts, but I make most of those on my table saw anyways and when I do need to make them on my miter saw there isn’t many. Thanks for watching, Matt – Overkill Woodcraft LLC *For more woodworking tips, content, and tools I use: Instagram: @overkillwoodcraft   / overkillwoodcraft   TikTok: @overkillwoodcraft   / overkillwoodcraft   Amazon Affiliate link to general tools used: *The small magnets I bought from off Amazon:
