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Скачать с ютуб The Best Drum Machine Under $200 (In my Opinion) в хорошем качестве

The Best Drum Machine Under $200 (In my Opinion) 2 года назад

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The Best Drum Machine Under $200 (In my Opinion)

The Best Drum Machine Under $200 (In my Opinion) Today I'm showcasing why I think that the Korg Volca Drum is the best drum machine under $200 US! When it comes to features, the Volca Drum has a ridiculous amount of them, with many of those features mirroring ones found on much higher end drum machines. Parameter locks, probability, toggleable pitch quantization, and multiple MIDI control models barely scratch the surface of what the Volca Drum can do! Add in the amazing (and free!) software editor made by Oscillator Sink (linked below), and you've got an absolute winner of a device! Enjoy the video :) SOFTWARE EDITOR BY OSCILLATOR SINK: GEAR IN THIS VIDEO Korg Volca Drum: Zoom Livetrak L-12 (audio recorder): Questions? Ask them below! Support the Channel:   / freebeat   Bandcamp: Follow me on Instagram:   / freethebeat.  . If you enjoy this video, considering subscribing to the channel! It's free, and I upload new content every single day! All links in this description are Amazon affiliate links, the gear is the same price to you, but I get a small kickback when you use these links! It's an easy way to support the channel at no extra cost!
