У нас вы можете посмотреть бесплатно DIY Soda Can Stove или скачать в максимальном доступном качестве, которое было загружено на ютуб. Для скачивания выберите вариант из формы ниже:
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Here's what you'll need! RECIPE OR INSTRUCTION: Soda Can Stove Supplies 2 empty aluminum cans A marker Small block of wood Box cutter Scissors Cotton Small nail Alcohol or anti-freeze fluid Bricks or rocks Small candle Lighter High-heat safe piece of metal, or penny from before 1982 (Pennies from this time are 95% copper, instead of zinc) Instructions Place you can next to a short block of wood (approximately 2.5 in/6 cm). Place your marker on the wood, with the tip touching you can. Turn the can in a full circle to mark where to cut your can. Carefully cut out the bottom sections of the can with a box cutter. Trim the rough edges with scissors. Place a small handful of cotton in one of the bottoms, and fit the other bottom over top. Carefully close the can ends together Punch evenly spaced holes around the rim of the can. Punch five holes on the top center of the can. Slowly fill the can with your flammable liquid by pouring small amounts through the top holes. Once filled, take your stove outside and set it over a small candle for about 5-10 minutes. This will create a gas inside the can that will begin to exit through the holes. Splash a small amount of the fluid over the stove (it’s ok to let it drip over the sides), and quickly light it. The stove will yield a tall flame in the center until you place a copper penny or other high-heat safe metal over the five center holes. The flame will quickly stabilize, and begin to come out the sides. Set up your grill, and enjoy your new camp stove! MUSIC See You In Your Dreams Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc. Made by BFMP www.buzzfeed.com/videoteam