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Pawn Stars: 10 TOP DOLLAR CHUMLEE DEALS (From Care Bears to Flamethrowers) | History

Watch all new episodes of Pawn Stars, Mondays at 10/9c, and stay up to date on all of your favorite History Channel shows at Love Chumlee? Then check out 10 of Chum's BEST deals of all time - from Care Bears to flamethrowers, in this Pawn Stars mega-compilation. #PawnStars Find out more about the show and watch full episodes on our site: Check out exclusive HISTORY content: History Newsletter: Website - Facebook - Twitter - "Pawn Stars" follows three generations of the Harrison family as they assess the value of items coming in and out of their Gold & Silver Pawn Shop in Las Vegas, from the commonplace to the truly historic. HISTORY® is the leading destination for award-winning original series and specials that connect viewers with history in an informative, immersive, and entertaining manner across all platforms. The network's all-original programming slate features a roster of hit series, premium documentaries, and scripted event programming.
