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The Mystery of Kara Thrace (Starbuck) | Battlestar Galactica Lore

A breakdown of Kara Thrace's death and return in her season 3 and 4 story arc in Ronald D. Moore's Battlestar Galactica and discussion of exactly what kind of being Kara Thrace is after her resurrection. What is Kara Thrace? angel or a cylon? Let me know your theories in the comments section. Twitter: @Nerd_Cookies Nerd Cookies DISCORD -   / discord   #BSGLore #BSG #Starbuck #KaraThrace Art Credits Thumbnail and final Kara Thrace art by Ece Endez Check out the artist’s Behance page here: Information sources: Information from these sources is available under CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License Music Credits: Music provided by HearWeGo ( Artist: Quallm Title: Sunset Listen on YouTube:    • Quallm - Sunset   Intro Track Name: "Watching The Clouds" Music By: LAKEY INSPIRED @   / lakeyinspired   Official "LAKEY INSPIRED" YouTube Channel HERE -    / @lakeyinspired   License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 3.0) License. All the videos, songs, images, and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners and I or this channel does not claim any right over them. Fair Use Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Use of any copyrighted material in this video qualifies as fair use.
