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5 Scams you need to know about before going to Costa Maya on a cruise!

Costa Maya is a beautiful cruise port. However, there are several scams going on that cruisers need to be aware of. In this video, we cover the top 5 scams you need to know about when visiting Costa Maya. Costa Maya Port Guide Video:    • Ultimate Cruise Port Guide to Costa M...   Like and subscribe to the channel for more #travel and #cruise content! Follow me on Facebook at:   / amyturnkey   If you'd like help booking your next vacation, reach out to me at [email protected] or Click this link for my contact form for help with booking your next vacation! Merchandise: https://my-store-dc6e3d.creator-sprin... Music by License code: FTLLEJVWJ6AU6X1A #royalcaribbean #ncl #carnival #virgin #iconoftheseas #scams #costamaya Chapters: 0:00 - Intro 1:14 - Scam 1 1:49 - Scam 2 3:15 - Sacm 3 4:26 - Scam 4 5:45 - Scam 5
