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ECLAIR SURF dominates £100,000 Classic Chase at Warwick 2 года назад

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ECLAIR SURF dominates £100,000 Classic Chase at Warwick

0:00 Full replay: 2022 Agetur UK Classic Chase 8:00 Post-race interview with trainer Emma Lavelle 11:43 Post-race interview with jockey Tom Bellamy A future Grand National horse? Eclair Surf has his own way of doing things and his trainer readily admits that he is "tricky," but there's no doubting the engine and ability he possesses and shows both attributes with this taking success in the Grade 3 Agetur UK Classic Chase for Emma Lavelle, jockey Tom Bellamy and owners Dominic Burke and Tim Syder at Warwick. While the Grand National could potentially be a future target for Eclair Surf - One For Arthur won this race at Warwick five years ago before his memorable Aintree triumph - the Scottish Grand National seemingly holds more appeal to connections more as a closer target as they can now look at some of the premier staying handicap chases in the National Hunt calendar. This is the official YouTube channel of Racing TV. Racing TV is the UK's leading horse racing channel showing live racing from the best racecourses in Great Britain and Ireland. Subscribe to Racing TV's free YouTube channel and get closer to the sport we all love. We will bring you unmissable moments from the world of racing, exclusive interviews and highlights from our specialist shows. So, if you love horse racing, this is the YouTube channel for you ► You can also find us on Sky 426 or Virgin Media 536 (411 in Ireland). Click here to find out more - Also watch Racing TV at, the iPhone iPad app, Android app and mobile website. Click here to download the app -
