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15 Minute Qigong For Leg Strength, Hip Mobility and Balance

This Qigong routine is focused primarily on the legs, hips & knees. Practice daily to regain leg strength, improve leg and hip flexibility, aid circulation and nourish the joints. 🍂 QIGONG FOR WEIGHT LOSS COURSE: 🔎 ONLINE TEACHER TRAINING: ⛰️ RETREAT 2025: ⭐ WEEKLY LIVE CLASS: 👍 SUBSCRIBE:    / @qigongwithkseny   ⭐FREE ONLINE CLASSES ⭐ Book a class with me or one of our awesome Qigong instructors on Safety Disclaimer -------------------------------- The instructions provided in this video are of a general nature and cannot substitute for the advice of a medical professional. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. You should understand that when participating in any form of exercise there’s the possibility of physical injury. If you use this video you agree that you do so at your own risk and agree to release and discharge Qigong With Kseny from any and all claims that may arise. #qigongwithkseny #qigongforbeginners #qigongforlegflexibility
