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Google Bangalore Office Tour - Awesome Experience 2 года назад

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Google Bangalore Office Tour - Awesome Experience

Hello Guys, In this video, we'll take a tour of the Google Bangalore office and see how awesome it is! This Google office tour is a must-do if you're looking for an interview or just want to see what life is like as a Google employee. If you're considering a job at Google, be sure to take this tour! You won't regret it! Subscribe to stay tuned to more joy and informative content, consider liking the video in order to support me. Youtube 🔥 : Subscribe here:- @theparasthakur Follow Me Linkedin :-   / theparasthakur   Instagram:-   / theparasthakur   Twitter:-   / iamthakurparas   ✨ Hashtags ✨ #googleindia #google #cloudengineer #sde #freshers #freshersjobs #googleswags #engineering #parasthakur #FirstDayAtOffice #workfromoffice #officetour #engineer #placement #consulting #computerscience #gurugram
