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CalledOut Music - Provider

Stream 'My Beautiful Reality' Album here - Lyrics Verse Trust and obey for there’s no other way To be happy in Jesus My head and my heart never truly align when I think of tomorrow Pre-Chorus Even when I find it hard to see a way when all I feel is fear and pain I’ll look to You and I’ll call Your name Jesus Chorus You’ll come through for me Yes I believe in You, my provider Verse 2 It so easy to put all my faith in Jesus when everything is sweet like honey but what if the real miracle that I need is found in the waiting Bridge so if the birds do fly tell me why should I be worried why should I be afraid Lord You will supply all that I need (Yes You will) (it’s what I believe) Chorus You’ll come through for me Yes I believe in You, my provider (x3) You’ll take care of me Yes I believe in You, my provider End. Subscribe to HFP Music YouTube:    / @hfpmusic   Connect with CalledOut Music Instagram -   / calledoutmusic   Twitter -   / calledoutmusic   Website - #CalledOutMusic #Provider #MyBeautifulReality
