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Gigantic Barbie Collection I COLLECTOR GUYS 1 год назад

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Gigantic Barbie Collection I COLLECTOR GUYS

The Giant Barbie collection that just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Now consisting of 600 dolls. When we first explored this collection back in 2017 it already was impressive. When we look at it now it's even more impressive. These aren't your every day dolls. This collection is full of both expensive Silkstone Barbies and high end Fashion Barbies. There may be bigger but it would be hard to find a better collection. This video will take you through it doll by doll. Also she will share how she displays these precious items. Including the new line of dolls from the Barbie Movie. Nothing is in storage. They are all out for everyone to enjoy. Sit back in enjoy this amazing Collector Guys video. Collector Guys also on Web: Facebook: Tiktok: @collectorguys Intagram: @collectorguys Have an idea for a video? Email us at: [email protected] #barbie #barbiecollection #barbiecollector #barbiecore #barbiedoll #barbiemovie #toys #dolls The Collector Guys are just a couple of guys celebrating collectibles and the people who collect them. We firmly believe that you should proudly surround yourself with the things that make you happy.
