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Jud Meyers and IDW Comics Publishing, What Is Being Reported? 4 года назад

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Jud Meyers and IDW Comics Publishing, What Is Being Reported?

Jud Meyers and IDW Publishing I do hope IDW publishing starts keeping their heads above water, they have some great properties and I'd really love to see them do fantastic! As for Jud Meyers, all I know is what I've read here so it would seem best for IDW to sever professional ties. from CBR: "Jud Meyers was recently promoted from global sales director to publisher of IDW Publishing. Shortly afterwards, he was placed on administrative leave. It has now been reported that Meyers has been let go entirely from the publisher, a little over two weeks since his promotion. In a statement, IDW Publishing announced that it "has parted ways with Jud Meyers and would like to thank everyone for their discretion." It is currently unknown if the current publisher, Jerry Bennington -- who was called into the role of interim publisher during Meyers' administrative leave -- will continue to serve in the role. No official reason was provided as to why IDW has terminated Meyers. Meyers was promoted to publisher on July 22, replacing former president and publisher Chris Ryall, while Bennington took the role of president and Rebekah Cahalin assumed the role of General Manager and EVP of Operations in what was a significant reshuffling of IDW Publishing and IDW Entertainment. Prior to this, Meyers had served as global sales director since joining IDW Publishing in 2019. Before joining the company, Meyers was employed at the London-based Titan Publishing and helped start a number of stores, such as Forbidden Planet and Virgin Megastore, followed by several stores in Los Angeles.
