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Скачать с ютуб David Gilmour “Sorrow” 10/25/24 Los Angeles, CA в хорошем качестве

David Gilmour “Sorrow” 10/25/24 Los Angeles, CA 1 месяц назад

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David Gilmour “Sorrow” 10/25/24 Los Angeles, CA

First Show of the USA Tour David Gilmour 10/25/24 Intuit Dome, Los Angeles, CA Set 1: 5 A.M. Black Cat Luck and Strange Breathe (In the Air) (Pink Floyd) Time (Pink Floyd) Breathe (Reprise) (Pink Floyd) Fat Old Sun (Pink Floyd) Marooned (Pink Floyd) A Single Spark Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd) Vita Brevis (with Romany Gilmour) Between Two Points (The Montgolfier Brothers cover) (with Romany Gilmour) High Hopes (Pink Floyd) Set 2: Sorrow (Pink Floyd) The Piper's Call A Great Day for Freedom (Pink Floyd) In Any Tongue The Great Gig in the Sky (Pink Floyd) A Boat Lies Waiting Coming Back to Life (Pink Floyd) Dark and Velvet Nights Sings Scattered Encore: Comfortably Numb (Pink Floyd) #music #live #pinkfloyd @pinkfloyd @davidgilmour #rockbands #liveperformance #guitar #musicconcert
