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Melton Reservoir Fishing with Southern Edge Vibes 2 года назад

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Melton Reservoir Fishing with Southern Edge Vibes

Redfin Fishing with Southern Edge Lures 45mm and 65mm soft Vibes. I have the kids with me and we get the new year off to a cracker start with some decent fish, Please sit back and enjoy ! Dont forget to leave a comment if there is anything you would like to know and as always, Hit that LIKE button if you liked the video Don't forget to subscribe to the channel so you get notified when a new video gets released. Please check out JDrods on facebook for all your custom built rods, Jon has been building rods for years and is a master at it --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get over to the Southern edge lures facebook page and check out the extensive selection of lures and terminal tackle. or email jason at [email protected] or give him a call on 0425763352 If you want to tangle with some cracker fish at the res, then I suggest you get your hands on some of their Vibes, as you have seen in today's video they work. @SouthernEdgeLures ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An extensive volume of fishing videos around Melbourne and Victoria. Most of the time fishing from my Hobie outback fishing kayak. Fishing with Steve on social media Follow the Fishing with Steve team on Facebook & Instagram as we are always willing to answer any questions you have. Facebook - Instagram -
