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Скачать с ютуб GOLD with the Equinox 800 and 6 Inch Coil в хорошем качестве

GOLD with the Equinox 800 and 6 Inch Coil 6 лет назад

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GOLD with the Equinox 800 and 6 Inch Coil

Got out in the blazing Arizona heat to try the Equinox 800 and 6 inch coil for gold nuggets... Scored. If you would like to help support our adventures and make an outing or two, check out my Patreon channel. My PATREON   / nuggetshooterjournals   Mail: Bill Southern PO BOX 576 Morristown, AZ 85342 Indestructible Shoes, Save your feet while Detecting, Exploring, Hiking! https://indestructibleshoes.myshopify... Nugget Shooter Metal Detector Sales NEED A NEW METAL DETECTOR? Nugget Shooter Hats,!/HATS-and-T-SHIRTS/c/26703059/offset=0&sort=normal FRANKINPICK and Gold Spot Scoops!/SCOOPS-and-DIGGING-TOOLS/c/36161001 Mail: Bill Southern PO BOX 576 Morristown, AZ 85342
