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Health Freak~ AGSM 9 лет назад

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Health Freak~ AGSM

Are you guys health freaks? 😝 HELLO EVERYONE OH MY GOSH IT'S OFFICIALLY SUMMER WOO HOO!!! I couldn't be more happy right now!! So I just got back from NYC for a school trip and honestly, I had such a fun time. I got to tour so many wonderful places and I couldn't have wished for a better trip!! Sadly, I didn't get to go to AGP NY because my friends didn't find it LOL! So this video is actually related to my personal life. Recently I have switched to eating a plant based diet. Now I'm not sure how long I am going to adopt this life style for BUT, I have been doing this for around three weeks and I can honestly say I feel GREAT! Some people may not like the idea of being plant based but I can see some wonderful results such as clearer skin and a "fitter" body 💖 I want to continue this for the rest of my life but we will see what the future holds. Thanks so much for reading and hope you all have a rocking day! Have any questions? Email me at [email protected]! {Links} |YouTube:    / agpals  | |Flickr:| |Instagram:   / agpals  | |Blog:| |Tinychat room:| |MAG #55 triplet channel:    / threeswaggindolls  | |Etsy:| Frequently Asked Questions ♡ Q: What camera do you use? A: The T3i with the 18-55 mm lens or the 50mm lens or a Sigma wide angle lens Q: What editor do you use? A: Final Cut Pro/iMovie 2014 and Windows Live Movie Maker 2011 for my older videos Q: Where do you get your music from? A: Most of the time it's from iTunes/iMovie or I download it off of or Key words: American girl doll, Agpals, Agpals videos, AG Dolls, American girl doll clothes, American girl dolls, agsm Dolls: MAG #48, #24, #27 Outfits: LJC, AG or by me! Songs: Havana, Monkeys Spinning Monkeys Tobu - Life [NCS Release]:    • Видео   Tobu:   / 7obu     / tob.  .   / tobu.  .    / tobu.  . ALL RIGHTS GO TO NOCOPYRIGHT SOUNDS AND THE ARTIST TOBU. I DO NOT OWN THE SONG.
