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Скачать с ютуб వైకుంఠ ఏకాదశి రోజు ఒక గంట ఇది వినండి, తరించిపోతారు | Life of Gondavali maharaj | Nanduri Srinivas в хорошем качестве

వైకుంఠ ఏకాదశి రోజు ఒక గంట ఇది వినండి, తరించిపోతారు | Life of Gondavali maharaj | Nanduri Srinivas 11 месяцев назад

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వైకుంఠ ఏకాదశి రోజు ఒక గంట ఇది వినండి, తరించిపోతారు | Life of Gondavali maharaj | Nanduri Srinivas

About 5 yrs back Nanduri garu narrated the life of Sri Gondavale Maharaj. It is one of the best videos filled with Hari Bhakthi. It got accedentally removed from the channel. We found it again, cleaned up the old Audio, re edited and posting it today as today is the Maha samadhi day of Sri Gondavale Maharaj (22/Dec) More over it is Margasira masam and tomorrow is Vaikuntha Ekadashi. Fill your hearts with Hari bhakthi BrahmaChaitanya Maharaj was one of the greatest saints of India who lived at Gondavali, Maharashtra from 1844 to 1913. He was contemporary of greatest saints like Sri Swami Samartha, Sri Manikya Prabhu, Sri Trilinga Swami etc. However his life history is less known to Telugu people as most of the literature is available either in Kannada or in Marathi. This is a sincere attempt from Nanduri Srinivas to bring his great life and amazing incidents to Telugu audience, so that they will never miss his Darsan while visiting other saints at Maharashtra. His life is perfect example of how a sincere sadhak can reach right guru and subsequently Lord Sri Hari Uploaded by: Channel Admin Google location of Gondavale Maharaj Samadhi at Maharashtra Address: Shri Bramha Chaitanya Gondavalekar Maharaj Samadhi Temple Gondawale, Maharashtra 415508 Gondavale Budruk. Taluka Maan, District Satara, Office Phone No: +91 2165 258292 email: [email protected] [email protected] How To reach Gondavale?: Gondavale Sansthan is a one of the important Holy places of State of Maharashtra in India. In Satara District. Gondavale falls on about 64 kms on Satara - Pandharpur Road. State Transport Bus services from Pune (About 153 km) & Mumbai (About 320 km) are available daily. If coming by private vehicle, while coming from Pune via National Highway 4, you can take turn from Shirval towards Lonand and come via Lonand- Faltan- Dahivadi route. Similarly State Transport Bus services from Sangli, Satara, Miraj, Solapur, Pandharpur, Thane are also available. Nearest railway station is Koregaon, which falls on Pune - Miraj railway route. From Koregaon, State Transport Buses are available --------------------------------------- Here are our new channels to Promote Sanatana Dharma - Please subscribe to them Nanduri Susila Official    / @nandurisusila   Nanduri Srivani Pooja Videos    / @nandurisrivani   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About the speaker Sri Nanduri Srinivas - Check below link :    / nandurisrinivasspiritualtalks   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer and Copy right for “Nanduri Srinivas” youtube channel: This is a personal video channel, we make no representations as to accuracy, completeness or validity of any information on this channel and “Nanduri Srinivas” or the administrators are not liable for any errors, omissions or any losses or damages arising from its understanding or use. It is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only. Any implementation by you based on the information given in this channel is strictly at your own risk. Viewers are encouraged to do their own research. Sri Nanduri Srinivas or the administrators don’t warrant that any information obtained from this channel will be error free. #nandurisrinivas #nandurisusila #nandurisrivani #nandurisrinivasspiritualtalks #nandurisrivanipujavideos #nandurisrinivaslatestvideos #nandurisrinivasvideoslatest #nandurisrinivasspeeches #spiritual #pravachanalu #miraclesdohappen #gondavalekar_maharaj_pravachan #gondvalekarmaharaj #gondavalekar_maharaj_pravachan_today This knowledge was acquired by various means like antique sources, research, books, speeches of various Gurus, observation, analysis & meditation. Since we are critically thinking human beings, these views are subject to change revision and rethinking at any time. Please do not hold us to them in perpetuity. Comments below the videos are sole responsibility of the writers and they take full responsibility, liability and blame for any libel or litigation that result from something written in a comment, hence please keep the comments polite and relevant. Note: Videos/content in this channel are copyrighted and can be reused only after obtaining the permission from channel admin (Mr. Rishi Kumar) Here is Mail id of admin (Please dont write your personal problems to this ID) [email protected]
