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Скачать с ютуб Collecting Oldhammer Skaven for Advanced Heroquest | Classic Citadel Miniatures Ratmen Showcase в хорошем качестве

Collecting Oldhammer Skaven for Advanced Heroquest | Classic Citadel Miniatures Ratmen Showcase 3 месяца назад

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Collecting Oldhammer Skaven for Advanced Heroquest | Classic Citadel Miniatures Ratmen Showcase

Always Board Never Boring is gradually collecting Oldhammer miniatures (vintage Warhammer miniatures) for use with Advanced Heroquest. In this short video he takes a look at his four most recent Skaven acquisitions. #advancedheroquest #heroquest #oldhammer Become an ABNB club member by clicking the join button under the video or by using this link:    / @alwaysboardneverboring   You can make a one-time donation to the channel using the Super Thanks button under each video (it looks like a heart) or by making a donation to the channel using the following link: You can shop using the Element Games affiliate link (UK). Use code KEV392 at checkout for double Element Crystals: Don't forget to sub and like, and please check out all this other cool stuff too:   / alwaysboardneverboring     / alwaysboardneverboring   Music by James Lloyd. Check out his stuff at: Logo by Nicholas Torres.
