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Aqara Hub M3 and Smart Video Doorbell G4 - are they any good?

Aqara has released Hub 3 and Smart Video Doorbell G4 - let's check them out and see what's with all of the hype about them. Plus how well they work locally with Home Assistant. Get up to 30% off during Prime Fall Day (from Oct. 8th-9th) ‪@Aqara‬ Amazon DE ✅Aqara M3 HUB: ✅Aqara Smart Video Doorbell G4: ✅Special offers page: Amazon US: ✅Aqara M3 HUB: ✅Aqara Smart Video Doorbell G4: ✅Special offers page: 00:00 - Intro 00:31 - About this Aqara video 00:55 - Aqara Hub M3 features & unboxing 04:54 - Setup, child devices, IR and more 11:27 - Other M3 features 12:35 - Aqara Smart Video Doorbell G4 16:38 - Installation, setup and features 19:58 - Home Assistant integration Don't forget to give this video thumb up if you liked it, subscribe if you still haven't and I'll see you next time! Have fun! Bearded Tinker ____________________________________________________________ 👕☕Awesome merchandise? Sure - here it is! ▶ ____________________________________________________________ 🧡 If you would like to support me and this channel, you can JOIN and become YouTube channel member! 🙏 ____________________________________________________________ 📣Follow me on other platforms📣 ✅Twitter: @BeardedTinker ✅Instagram: @2BeardedTinker ✅Discord:   / discord   ____________________________________________________________ (*) if any, should indicate links that are affiliated links. They don't cost you anything extra but provide small income to get this channel going, and finance future projects I make. @Aqara #Aqara #SmartHome #Deals
