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BRI Dialogues D6 - In Conversation with Louis-Vincent Gave 2 года назад

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BRI Dialogues D6 - In Conversation with Louis-Vincent Gave

In BRI-D6, we are joined by investor, business leader and author, Louis-Vincent Gave. Louis is founder, partner, and CEO of Gavekal, a research firm focusing on macroeconomics and markets. Louis holds a BA from Duke University, has spent time in China studying Chinese and has a rare insight into China. Louis has written seven books. The latest, Avoiding the Punch, was published in August, 2021. He is the non-executive chairman of ROBO Global LLC (the manager of the ROBO.US ETF, one of the largest robotics dedicated ETFs). He is also a non-executive director at Evergreen Gavekal, a Bellevue, Washington-based private wealth manager. Louis speaks to several crucial topics, including: China’s need to raise capital domestically, rather than focusing on the US; issues faced by the EU in its engagement with China; and questions surrounding Chinese debt accumulation emerging from the BRI. He also remind us about the perils of locking horns with China and elaborating the fact that China/Chinese have a far more resilient stamina, and bandwidth for dealing with hardship than the West. Louis brings a critical business and economics perspective to enrich the debate on these issues. #BRIDialogues
