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Interview Gilles et Boissier X the Spaceless Gallery {full} 3 года назад

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Interview Gilles et Boissier X the Spaceless Gallery {full}

Delve into the Spaceless Gallery's exhibition hosted at Gilles et Boissier's beautiful Boutique Apartment, avenue Montaigne in Paris. Béatrice Masi, the founder of the gallery, shares with Dorothée Boissier & Patrick Gilles the fascination behind these artists, who combine poetry, materiality, and elegance. Meet Dorothée Boissier, co-founder of the French interior decorating firm in coversation with, Béatrice Masi about Gabriel Sobin's suculptural work and Lara Porzak's photographic exploration. Inspired by the mineral landscapes of the Mediterranean region, Gabriel’s memories of the reddish ochres and monumental quarries of his childhood have fuelled his imagination, forging an emotional bond with his sculptural medium of choice. Sobin harnesses the inner potentials of stone, a silent power or a piece of the Earthly consciousness, breathing life into a material that is known for its resounding strength and toughness. “My work is primitive, stemming from the desire to materialize and connect basic and fundamental themes together. Exploring light and movement in the mineral allows me to unite the fixed with the incessant metamorphoses of the living. A cut drop of water, or even a sound wave, can then materialize in a surprising interaction born of these same paradoxes." Gabriel Sobin The artist plays with the dualities and equilibrium that compose our world, especially through his mobile mineral sculptures carried by the wind. Thus, behind the tangibility of the material hides research of holistic nature. Lara Porzak presents a selection of works from her many nature studies. Lured by the conversation with light, using classical photographic processes, Lara seeks beauty and animates her subjects with a new spirit. Using non-digital methods such as handmade silver prints and tintypes, Lara's work is an invitation to contemplate iconic subjects presented through a romantic and inimitable visual aesthetic. Play to discover the synesthesia between art and architecture and to admire an evolving universe according to the different hours of the day.
