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Lawful vs Legal / Law vs Legislation? 2 года назад

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Lawful vs Legal / Law vs Legislation?

Also me: @blackbeltsecrets My wife's cooking: @EasyChineseCooking Video Requests: [email protected] Send your clips for use in videos: Personal messages: Instagram: @BlackBeltBarrister Formal advice: [email protected] Disclaimer: Neither this nor any other video, may be taken as legal advice. I accept no liability whatever for any reliance placed upon it, as there is no contract between us and I am not instructed by you. For formal advice, please contact [email protected]. 💌 Become a channel member to access stripes and perks!    / @blackbeltbarrister   LAW FAQS    • Common Law   CONSUMER LAW PLAYLIST:    • Consumer Law   TREE LAW PLAYLIST:    • Tree Law Miniseries   ROAD TRAFFIC LAW PLAYLIST:    • Road Traffic Law   FAMILY LAW PLAYLIST:    • Family Law   IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: I'm a Barrister of England and Wales. Videos for educational guidance only, Always seek advice before taking action. Videos on my channel are not legal advice and should not be taken as such. I accept no liability for any reliance placed upon the content of these videos or references, therein. #blackbeltbarrister #barrister #law Description contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Description may contain affiliate or sponsored links, for which we may receive commissions or payment.
