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How To Make A Spaceship Look Terrifying

Check out the brand new Confiance Class Frigate Breakdown over on The Sojourn YT Channel:    • Confiance-Class Frigate | Official Sh...   Guinevere Cross Section:   / sojourn-visual-39895325   Spacedock delves into the art of making a spaceship look suitably menacing. THE SOJOURN - AN ORIGINAL SCI-FI AUDIO DRAMA: BECOME A CHANNEL MEMBER:    / @spacedock   SUPPORT SPACEDOCK: MERCHANDISE: Do not contact regarding network proposals. Battlezone II Music by Carey Chico Spacedock does not hold ownership of the copyrighted materiel (Footage, Stills etc) taken from the various works of fiction covered in this series, and uses them within the boundaries of Fair Use for the purpose of Analysis, Discussion and Review.
